From the Head of School

A Message from the Head of School

The Montessori principles of teaching are a passion for everyone employed and volunteering at Our Journey Montessori School. We love the Montessori methods and principles of teaching, (which with today's enlightened educational approach), have proven to be the cutting edge of where education in heading.

Our students have developed a love for learning and a security in their environment. Dr. Montessori was wise before her time. The principles of teaching and developing healthy, happy students have been adhered to with great exactness. You will find precise, lasting Montessori principle taught at our school.

Choosing how your child will be educated can be one of the most important decisions you will make regarding your child's future. We invite you come and visit us at our location, observe, and ponder the Montessori theories. When you visit please know that questions are always welcome as well as your thoughts of your observations with us. Consider looking further into our web site and then calling for an observation time.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to meeting you and hope you will choose to join our community of learning.

Emily Aune