Innovation Center
Our Journey's Innovation Center
One of the most powerful guidelines provided by Maria Montessori is "observe the child". Every child is different and every generation grows up with and will enter a different world from their parents entered. With this he teaching methods that are used must continually be evaluated and improved upon. At the innovation center we track the latest thoughts on how society is changing including workforce, XXXX. Some of the current trends we are tracking that may affect our children future include:
- The continuing rise of Automation and Artificial Intelligence taking over traditional human economic activity.
Our Journey's innovation center develops education techniques focused on the future needs of our children with an emphasis on soft skills who's patterns are often established early in life. including adaptability, confidence, growth mindset, maintaining curiosity, ethical principles for a civil society, conflict resolution, respect, and XXXX. XXX research citing when what is established in kids.
The innovation center is located on the Montessori at Riverton campus and run by Linda Merkley. We are currently working with pre-school aged children, if you are interested in you child participating in the innovation center please let the office staff know.